
Sep 05

September 2019 Luncheon Meeting

Friday, September 20, 2019 Repack from the Manufacturer's and Tower Owner’s Perspective Jay Martin, Dielectric and Jim Stenberg, American Tower AFCCE Members Jay and Jim will discus the current status of the Television Repack. How has the weather effected the progress, deliveries from the manufacturers, installation at the tower site... read more →
Aug 21

WWV/WWVH Listener Survey

From the ARRL News: 08/19/2019 Through Saturday, August 24, WWV and WWVH will transmit a US Department of Defense (DOD) message in conjunction with the COMEX 19-3 interoperability exercise in Tennessee. The broadcast also urges listeners to complete a survey on WWV/WWVH listenership and listening habits. The messages are broadcast on... read more →
Jul 23

Wes R. Weis

Founding member of the National Association of Tower Erectors (NATE) and founder of the MIKAB Corporation, Wesley (Wes) R. Weis passed away on July 13, 2019. Wes was a champion of tower safety as evidenced by his work on NATE’s OSHA Relations Committee.  He was instrumental in the development of... read more →
Jul 16

2019 President’s Letter from John George

Dear AFCCE Members, First let me state that it is an honor and privilege to serve as your President for the 2019-2020 term.  We have a great group of Officers and Board Members and look forward to continuing the successes of our former President and now Secretary John Lyons. The... read more →
Jun 25

2019-2020 AFCCE Board Members Announced

AFCCE is pleased to announce the 2019-2020 officers and directors: President, John George Vice-President, Jon Edwards Treasurer, John Lyons Secretary, Stephen Pumple In the recent Board of Directors general election, John Lyons, and Ben Evans ... read more →
May 28

Arno Meyer

To AFCCE Members: We have received word that Arno Meyer, co-founder of Belar in 1964 with his wife Isobel (BEL), Arno (AR), has passed away at his home after a period of diminished health. The name Belar is ubiquitous with monitoring equipment from the FMM-1 FM Monitor, released in 1966,... read more →
Apr 30

May, 2019 Luncheon Meeting

Friday, May 17, 2019 Use of drone based technology for antenna system assessments Gary Cavell and John Kean of Cavell, Mertz, & Associates Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) based systems will be explained for use in antenna pattern, RF measurements and IR (thermal) imaging. Techniques and challenges of drone technology for... read more →
Apr 14

Ron Rackley

Letter from AFCCE President John Lyons To the members of AFCCE: It is with profound sadness that I report the passing of a long time friend, associate and mentor, Ron Rackley.  I first worked with Ron in the early 1970’s in a... read more →
Mar 23

2019 Annual Meeting in Atlanta

The 71st AFCCE Annual Meeting will take place in Atlanta, Thursday-Saturday, June 20 to June 22. Experience the sights of Mid-Town and Stone Mountain. Through the efforts of Jon Edwards, Mark Fehlig and Sterling Davis, we plan tours of the CNN Center, Turner Broadcasting, the Briarcliff Antenna Farm as well... read more →
Feb 25

March 2019 Luncheon Meeting

Friday, March 22, 2019 Electromagnetic Compatibility and the Internet of Things Mike Violette, Co-Founder & CEO Washington Laboratories Electromagnetic interference (EMI) problems will continue to be an issue for consumers of the Internet of Things (IoT).  The spurious and immunity EMC measurement is a mandatory measurement for the IoT devices and system through regulatory bodies.  An understanding... read more →