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The Association of Federal Communications Consulting Engineers (AFCCE) was founded in 1948 as a professional association of communications engineers practicing before the Federal Communications Commission. Engineering for broadcast stations in the AM, FM and TV services, for microwave, cellular radio, PCS, paging systems, cable systems and for satellite facilities are some of the areas in which AFCCE members offer their professional services. Membership is offered to technical personnel and to other professionals sharing an interest in communications engineering.

AFCCE monitors the engineering policies of the FCC to ensure that the agency's regulations coincide as closely as possible with sound engineering principles.

In its primary function, the AFCCE monitors the technical policy of the FCC to ensure that the agency's regulations coincide as closely as possible with sound engineering principles.

AFCCE is an influential participant in FCC technical rulemakings, offering its comments for the public record. AFCCE members maintain the highest standards of professional ethics, providing for their mutual support and professional improvement. A scholarship fund, supported by its members, permits the AFCCE to assist future communications engineers with college tuition.

The Board of Directors can be found on our Contact Us page. 

Mailing Address:

PO Box 19333
Washington, D.C 20036-0333
The association is based on the following Governance Documents:
AFCCE Constitution
AFCCE Bylaws

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